Nuts about Development: A conversation with Coenraad Fraenkel
from We Back Agripreneurs
Agrimotion Consulting is a leading consulting from that focuses on the successful farming of perennial crops, in particular fruits and nuts. Coernraad Fraenkel leads a team of Soil Scientists who operate on multiple continents to help farmers make science based decisions about which crops to plants, when to plant them, when and how to fertilise and irrigate them, how to look after them and when and how to harvest. All this so that farmers can enjoy the maximum fruit for their labour and steward the environment for sustainability.
Coenraad is highly passionate about what he does, motivated by the notion that we can all use the ground under our feet to enable ourselves to build a decent livelihood, if we can just know how.
Coenraad shares his insight around Agritech and it's role in assisting farmers with their operations. He talks about how Agritech developers can go about creating solutions in agriculture, and how farmers can use prevailing climates to work with the environment to produce superior quality crops.
He also shares his conviction that the farming of nuts is an ideal opportunity to address the malnutrition challenge in Africa. South Africa is in the top 3 producers of both Macadamia and Peacan Nuts globally. This produce can be exported across the continent to provide an alternative protein to millions of people who don't have sufficient nutrition. Moreover, this produce can be value added to export to other continents to earn much needed foreign currency in a country that will most likely be in extreme debt following the Covid-19 pandemic.
We appreciate that someone as knowledgeable as Coenraad is will to share their deep insight with the world.
Contact Agrimotion Consulting on: info@agrimotion.net or Find him and his company Agrimotion consulting on:
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